How does my hormonal response compare between X3/VRT and weightlifting?Updated 5 months ago
Research supports an increased hormonal response through variable resistance compared to weightlifting. For example, in one study, participants were measured both pre- and post-experiment for testosterone and growth hormone. Participants then performed the same exercise protocol using either bands or weights. Results showed that the variable-resistance group using bands experienced a greater increase in testosterone and growth hormone than those performing traditional weightlifting.
– 48 Walker S, Tiapale RS, Nyman K, Kraemer WJ, & Hakkinen K. (2011). Neuromuscular and hormonal responses to constant and variable resistance loadings. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, January; 43(1): 26–33.
49 Nijem, R. M., Coburn, J. W., Brown, L. E., Lynn, S. K., & Ciccone, A. B. (2016). Electromyographic and force plate analysis of the deadlift performed with and without chains. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 30(5), 1177-1182.
Growth hormones have lipolytic effects, meaning they promote the breakdown of body fat for energy, while their anti-catabolic properties simultaneously safeguard muscle. This is how exercise and nutritional habits that promote growth hormone production by the body can allow you to lose fat and maintain lean tissue mass simultaneously – or even gain lean tissue while reducing body fat.
–50 Rasmussen, M. H. (2010). Obesity, growth hormone and weight loss. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 316(2), 147–153.