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X3 12-week Program

How is the X3 bicep curl different than a typical bicep curl?

We do drag curls, which entails both shoulders going back and forearms coming up. This causes a more intense bicep contraction at the top of the movement, contributing to more exhaustion, especially with the variance in the resistance provided with X

How do I hold the bar during X3 squats?

Placing the bar during your X3 front squats and X3 split squats is easy with the right form. It should rest on your shoulders and not strain your arms or neck. Watch the X3 Front Squat workout form video for a walk-through.

What do I do when I run out of breath during squats before my muscles are exhausted?

Thighs are large muscles that require a lot of blood flow during squats. What can happen is your cardiovascular system is getting exhausted before your muscles. If you are having trouble finishing the exercise before your muscles are exhausted, we re

How do I get into position for the X3 chest press to prevent the bands from slipping?

It may be a bit tight to get the band around your shoulders for the chest press and tricep press, but as with all things, the more you do it, the easier it will get. The first step is connecting the bands to the X3 bar in the “doubled-over” format us

What do I do about bands slipping during the chest press and tricep press?

First, make sure you’re getting into the right position for the X3 chest press and tricep press (see above). In order to get the full benefit of the X3 workouts, constant tension must be maintained throughout the movement. This will help you reach fu

How can I shorten the X3 bands?

Many users wrap the band around the hook once or twice, which takes up some slack. For more adjustments, look at the X3 Bar Users Groups on Facebook. Users have shared tips and options for “shortening” the existing bands to increase the range of moti

I have shoulder issues and can’t do the overhead press. Can I do an upright row?

The X3 Upright Row is an alternate movement. The upright row is inferior to the overhead press. There’s more shortening of the deltoid in the overhead press when you move the bar over your head. However, it’s a great alternative to the overhead press

Can I use X3 without the bar or plate? Can I add other exercises?

Let’s go over relevant weights: You cannot use heavy banding alone in any useful way for strength development other than rehabilitation. This is because, in your strongest positions, you are actually seven times stronger than you might think you are

What bands should I use? How many reps should I do?

It’s counterproductive to use a heavier band to fatigue with fewer reps instead of a lighter band with more reps (up to 40). If you make the force so high that you can only do three reps, you’re undermining the benefits of the variable resistance. Yo

How many sets do I need to do with the X3?

With the X3, you only need to do one set to exhaustion to achieve effective muscle growth!. One set with X3 brings a more complete level of fatigue than compared with conventional weights. Comparisons should not be made with the number of sets. Multi

Why only one set? How long should I rest between exercises?

The beauty of variable resistance is that you can fatigue your muscles to full strength in all ranges of motion with a single set. Doing multiple sets just gives your muscles a chance to rest, which doesn’t trigger as great a growth response as the b

Why are X3 workouts so frequent?

Research shows that the recovery window for muscular tissue peaks around twenty-four hours after exercise and is only slightly elevated by thirty-six hours. Since the X3 protocol alternates the muscle groups being exercised without any overlap, an ev

Will the muscle gained from using X3 be symmetrical?

If you follow the X3 program, you should build wonderful symmetry with X3!. A barbell-style workout like the X3 is much better for building muscle symmetry than a dumbbell workout, which is one of the reasons we don’t offer handle attachments with th

Would there be a benefit to adding exercises along with the X3 routine?

If you perform the exercises correctly, you’ll have exhausted the muscles to full fatigue, so you likely won’t be able to do additional exercises. That said, if you would like to participate in additional workouts, such as the X3 Hypertrophy Program,

Can I use separate handles with the X3? Or use X3 for one-arm pulls?

The strongest people in the world use barbells (two-hand grip), not dumbbells (one-hand grip). There is a neurological reason for this that the majority of fitness enthusiasts are completely unaware of: If your body were to interface with a heavy obj

Where can I find the X3 Quick Start Guide and X3 Workout Card?

You can download the packaging inserts included with X3 here:

Do I need to warm up?

No, it’s not necessary. The first few repetitions serve as your warmup. However, some post-workout stretching is recommended as part of Dr. Jaquish’s hyperplasia protocol. For more information, refer to Chapter 9 of Weightlifting Is a Waste of Time.

Where can I connect with current X3 users?

There are many active X3 Facebook groups founded by users where customers share X3 tips and tricks, stories, and encouragement. These are some we recommend:

Why do you recommend against cardio with the X3?

Most people who engage in “cardio” exercise do so to reduce their body fat. However, this may be one of the worst approaches to achieving that goal because cardiovascular exercise up-regulates cortisol. This has an impact that runs counter to what th

Does X3 help with osteoporosis or increase bone strength?

X3 will have little, if any, effect on bone strength or bone density. Forces of 4.2 multiples of body weight are required to trigger bone growth, and most individuals aren’t capable of lifting that heavy of resistance – even with the X3. If you’re lo

Does the X3 target fast or slow twitch muscles?

The training applied to stimulate fast vs slow twitch is turning out to be conflicting. The most conclusive evidence shows that momentary fatigue using resistance stimulates the growth of both types. See this meta-analysis study:. Schoenfeld BJ. The

Does the X3 program work on my core and abs?

While there are no ab-specific exercises, research indicates that the deadlift and the front squat exercises activate the abdominal muscles more effectively than ab-specific exercises. Abs are stabilizing muscles, which grow when used as such. The X3

Do X3 resistance bands build muscle or tone?

X3 and the X3 12-week Program are for building strength!. X3 resistance bands help stimulate muscle growth and, therefore, strength by allowing better stimulation during the entire range of motion. The variable resistance of the X3 bands allows you t

How do I pick the right X3 band? How many repetitions should I do?

With X3, we are utilizing variable resistance, which causes us to use significantly more muscle fibers and weight per exercise than we would otherwise. When using X3, we use higher repetitions, so the minimum number of repetitions you do is 15. And t

Why am I not sore after using X3?

Most people experience no soreness using the X3, especially after week 4. Soreness comes from going anaerobic, meaning contractions without properly oxygenated blood. Soreness comes from muscular damage, NOT lactic acid, as many will mistakenly tell

What ab exercises are part of the X3 12-week Program?

While there are no ab-specific exercises, research indicates that the deadlift and the front squat exercises activate the abdominal muscles more effectively than ab-specific exercises. Abs are stabilizing muscles, which grow when used as such. The X3

How do I train all the ranges of motion with X3?

If you think about it, you're exercising the same muscle at the bottom of the range as you are at the very top. By training that muscle in the strongest range of motion, you increase your strength far more overall than if you attempted to train at th

How does my hormonal response compare between X3/VRT and weightlifting?

Research supports an increased hormonal response through variable resistance compared to weightlifting. For example, in one study, participants were measured both pre- and post-experiment for testosterone and growth hormone. Participants then perform

What's the X3 Hyperplasia Protocol?

Watch this video to learn about the X3 Hyperplasia Protocol or read more about it here: https://www.jaquishbiomedical.com/science/hyperplasia/

What safety considerations should I be aware of with X3?

Always make sure you maintain a firm grip on the bar to avoid injury. Always consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. Never step off the ground plate or let go of the bar while there is tension in the band. Before putting te