How is X3 different from free weights (dumbbells and barbells) or typical resistance bands?Updated 6 months ago
People don’t realize they are seven times stronger than they think they are, based on biomechanics. This is because for many movements, when you are in the strongest position (imagine the top of a pushup), you can exert 7X more force than when you are in the weakest position (imagine the bottom of a pushup with your nose touching the floor).
When lifting free weights (barbells and dumbbells), we can never take advantage of this because the only way to engage this capability is to have the weight drastically change in the movement. This happens when the force delivery is higher (heavier), where we are more capable, and lower (lighter), where we are less capable. This obviously doesn’t happen with free weights, which produce the same amount of force no matter what position you are in.
X3 provides varying force that is greater where you are strongest and weaker where you have less force production potential. This causes deeper fatigue and a greater level of growth. People who try to achieve these high loads without the protection of X3, such as using heavy resistance bands by themselves, ultimately fail because the high forces required to get a good workout dangerously load joints, leading to injury. This is why the two most important parts of X3 are the bar and the ground plate.
Related Studies
Here are seven different studies that show how variable resistance is superior to weight training with regular weight. The factor that makes the difference is VARIANCE. X3 provides the strongest level of variance ever seen in a fitness product hence more growth over other programs:
- (Ghigiarelli, et al, 2009). 7-week heavy elastic band upper-body power in a sample of division 1-AA football players.
- (Joy, et al, 2016). Performance is increased when variable resistance is added to a standard strength program.
- (Rivière, et al, 2017). Variable Resistance Training Promotes Greater Strength and Power Adaptations Than Traditional Resistance Training
- (Anderson, et al, 2008). Nearly three times greater for average power in some movements was observed comparing control group to test group for variable resistance versus standard weight training.
- (McCurdy, et al, 2009). variable resistance banded bench press produce similar short-term strength improvement conventional free weight bench press while minimizing shoulder stress.
- (Godwin, et al, 2018). Pushing power increased over standard weight protocols using variable resistance exercise.
- (Cronin, et al, 2003). 10 weeks analysis showed banded resistance training resulted in a 21.5% performance increase compared with the control group.