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Why only one set? How long should I rest between exercises?Updated a month ago

The beauty of variable resistance is that you can fatigue your muscles to full strength in all ranges of motion with a single set. Doing multiple sets just gives your muscles a chance to rest, which doesn’t trigger as great a growth response as the body doesn’t recognize a deficit. Ensure you’re using the right X3 band.

As users start a set, fatiguing the strong range will have a powerful myofibril effect because the user is not out of ATP/Glycogen/Creatine Phosphate (ATPGCp) just showing structural fatigue of the muscle. This is the most powerful effect of X3.

Next, in the same set, users begin to diminish range and go to fatigue in the lesser ranges. Here is where the sarcoplasmic fatigue begins, so stores of ATPGCp are depleted, thereby triggering sarcoplasmic growth and the associated blood flow to recover the muscle. Because a portion of myofibrils are switched off, and lighter weight is used with diminished range reps, we fatigue the muscle to a greater degree from both the sarcoplasmic and myofibril perspectives.

The blood flow to recover will be stronger to compensate for this deeper level of fatigue (large pump, many would call it), and this forces a stretching of the fascia (not specifically studied with X3, but this is the academic understanding). Combining all these elements executed to a safer and more powerful degree explains the accelerated muscle growth of X3 use.

Rest between sets only long enough to catch your breath.

This experience is far more intense than a standard set with weights, and we find that only one is required for maximum results.

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